Oregon Jones Act And Maritime Injury Lawyers
Maritime injury lawyers James Beard and his partner, Lanning Trueb, of Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, are available to meet seriously injured commercial fishermen in Portland, Newport, Coos Bay, Depoe Bay and Astoria. Their legal practice is limited to representing injured commercial fishermen, seamen, fish processors, and tugboat deckhands in Washington, Alaska and Oregon. They have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for injured crewmen located throughout the country.
Working as a commercial fisherman in the ocean off the coast of Washington and Oregon is hard, demanding work. Working in rough weather, with untrained and inadequate or defective equipment can quickly lead to a lifelong injury or a tragic and needless death. The fact is that working aboard a commercial fishing vessel off the coast of Oregon and Washington presents a far greater risk of injury or death than working in Alaska. Special precautions must be taken to protect crewmen working on the Washington and Oregon coast from injuries. Your vessel owner and employer owe you a duty to provide a seaworthy vessel and a properly manned and trained crew. Defective and improperly maintained equipment can cause permanent injuries.
We Represent Injured Commercial Fishermen Up And Down The Oregon Coast
Injured Oregon commercial fishermen are entitled to benefits and damages under the Jones Act and federal maritime law. Injured crewmen may be entitled to payment of all their medical expenses, past and future lost wages, pain and suffering, and other money damages. Under federal maritime law, your vessel owner and employer are obligated to pay damages and compensation in most cases involving injury to commercial fishermen.
Maintenance and cure is a no-fault remedy that almost all injured Oregon commercial fishermen are entitled to. This means that your employer is obligated under the law to pay your reasonable and necessary medical expenses related to a shipboard injury or illness. The employer must authorize reasonable and necessary medical tests such as MRIs, EMGs and X-rays. You are entitled to have therapy and, in many cases, may be entitled to treatment for chronic pain.
Millions Recovered For Oregon Commercial Fishermen And Seamen
Even the strongest commercial fisherman can suffer psychological injuries. Crewmen suffering from psychological injuries as a result of shipboard accidents are entitled to psychological treatment and counseling. Don’t let depression go untreated; getting help early leads to a better recovery. Beard has successfully handled some of the most complex maritime psychological injury cases, including claims for depression, post-traumatic stress, and suicide.
An injured seaman has the right to select his own treating doctors. You do not have to treat with doctors selected by the vessel owner’s insurance company. You don’t have to return to work if you are not fit for duty. Returning to work too soon following an injury aboard a commercial fishing vessel puts you and your fellow crewmen are at risk for subsequent injuries.
Don’t guess about your rights to compensation for your injuries. Consult an experienced maritime lawyer who can discuss the strengths and weakness of your injury claim with you. Almost all maritime injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you owe no fees to the lawyer unless he successfully recovers money damages for you.
Contact The Northwest’s Premier Maritime Injury Law Firm Today
Maritime injury lawyer James Beard of Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, is one of the Northwest’s most experienced maritime injury lawyers. He is always on the side of the injured fisherman and never represents the employer or vessel owner. If you have been seriously injured in a commercial fishing accident off the coast of Oregon or aboard an Oregon fishing boat fishing in Alaska, Washington or California, consult with an experienced maritime lawyer about your legal rights to compensation under federal law. Never sign a release of claims without consulting with a qualified maritime injury lawyer.
If you have questions about your rights to compensation aboard an Oregon commercial fishing vessel, contact attorney Beard and his team at 425-403-1900 to discuss your claim. You can also reach us online. Mr. Beard has 30 years of experience representing injured commercial fishermen. He can explain to you the strengths and weaknesses of your potential claim.