Experienced Legal Representation For Washington Charter Fishing Boat And Recreational Guide Boat Injuries
James Beard Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, is a well-respected maritime injury lawyer located in Kirkland, Washington, just minutes from downtown Seattle. His practice is limited to maritime injury claims. Beard has over 30 years’ experience handling some of the Northwest’s most well-known commercial fishing tragedies, including the sinkings of the Aleutian Enterprise, Arctic Rose and Alaska Ranger.
If you have been seriously injured aboard a charter vessel or guide boat, contact Beard and his partners at Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, for a free initial consultation about your injury claim. They understand how accidents happen aboard ships and know how those accidents could have been prevented. Depending upon where your accident occurred, complex federal maritime laws may govern your claim for injuries.
You Are Owed A Duty Of Care
The owners and operators of charter and guide boats must use reasonable care for the safety of their paying guests. They should properly equip and maintain their boats, have proper radio communications, and have sufficient numbers of well-maintained life preservers. No fish is worth the loss of life. Charter boat and guide boat operators should not take risks fishing in rough conditions or in areas where they are not highly experienced. There is a reason they call the Columbia River Bar the graveyard of the Pacific.
The fact is there are many good and safety-conscious charter boat and guide boat operators. But not every operator and owner follows good safety practices, and even a moment’s negligence by an experienced boat operator can result in an irreversible tragedy. Our attorneys encourage you to fully research the background and experience of a charter or guide boat operator before you put your life in his/her hands. Leaving the dock is optional; returning to the dock uninjured and alive is a priority.
Contact Our Premier Maritime Injury Law Attorneys Today
If you or a family member has been hurt on a charter boat or guide boat operating in Washington, the Columbia River, or Washington, Oregon or Alaska coastal waters, contact Beard and his partners at Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, to discuss your potential claim.
In serious accidents it is important to begin an early investigation of the cause of the accident, take statements and preserve evidence. The insurance company will be working against you to defeat your potential claims. Shouldn’t you have an experienced maritime lawyer on your side? Call us at 425-403-1900 or send a message online to discuss your claim in a free consultation.